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This will give you a shortcut for your daily Bible reading. If you would like to support this ministry consider becoming a sponsor of Audio Bible. Children of Yahweh, the long awaited sequel to My Beloved Friend, Judas, will finally reach over a million readers who have been anxiously waiting for this second volume of the Judas Trilogy. When reading this novel, the reader will be virtually transported to 60 thousand years ago to meet Lord.
I wrote this book because I want people to visualize the man that has been taken from you, from His biological children, and from His biological grandchildren, and great grandchildren. It is important that the world and all of the nations of the earth come to know of His greatness,. Welcome to the Family. What does it mean to be a child of God? Adoption is one of the key metaphors in Scripture for becoming a Christian. John tells us that those who believe in Jesus have the "right to be called children of God.
The Substance of Faith. The True Meaning Of Shalom. The Valley of the Dry Bones. Yahweh judges America. Yahweh Passover from Genesis Through Revelation. Like Like. Halleluyahweh Thank you my brother. You have no idea how much you just helped me and made the nation that much stronger with these jewels.
As a young lion of the tribe of Judah I give thanks the Yahweh Ben Yahweh and aba yahweh for have dilligent family like you that provide the knowledge from the tree of life that keeps me feeding on positivity And disciplined in my daily commute to the east thanks and praises. You all are helping me find my way back. Continue to feed the sheep of the Lord Yahweh. Be blessed, Love you all. At this time we do not have the book available.
We will look into this for you. Praise Yahweh Ben Yahweh! All Praises to Yahweh Ben Yahweh for giving me my dignity and self worth back to me. You have been a bless g in my life and you still with me in spirit. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data.
Yahweh's Royal Priesthood Publishing Co. Learn More. Learn more. Home School Enrollment. Fun Bible Activities.