Craftware free download

In case of an exception please try to repair the mesh with a suitable tool. Bugfixes, features: ExtrusionWidth and LayerHeight values now are maximized at 20mm. It will be useful for slicing tubes. Bed will be heated before the nozzle so a cold bed can receive maximum power. Bug when sending Cura gcode: M T0 Sxxx were interpreted as 2 separate commands.

Handling T commands fixed. Layer start position: North and South was swapped. Layer start position: New option: Spinning. It starts every layer from a different angle. Angle is degrees. CraftPrint: "Load custom firmware" option in the extras menu. Current MAC version is 1. New tool path traversal algorithm. CraftWare: Drag'n'drop files into CW handled well: You can drag cwprj, obj, stl, gco, gcode onto the main window. It will allow only one instance of CraftWare. If an instance is already running, the parameter will be passed to it.

Print button: Now it will start the new CraftPrint application and pass the gcode to it. Settings: Is now saved slightly after every change and before slicing. So a crash will not reset your precious parameters. CraftPrint: It's a new compact printing interface with multiple printer support. Only most necessary features are on screen: Temperatures, Fan, Homing, manual Extruding, moving Z, motors off aka moving xy ; , some tweak parameters, gcode program control and a terminal screen for anything else.

Supports pause whith moving the printer head away. Rest position is currently at X0Y It lets you change filament mid-print. Detects CraftBots automatically. Also you can add other printers manually, it will remember it in the registry. Command line support: You can associate CP to. It will load the gcode into an available printer. Also CraftPrint is a singleton application, just like the current version of CraftWare. Integration with CraftWare: The magnifier icon will display the gcode and current head position in the gcode viewer of CraftWare.

Printer-dependent bed config is not resolved yet, gcode will bi displayed in CW's current printer configuration. FirmWare installation tool for CraftBot. Settings are now saved right before slicing. It's experimental and only tested with a CraftBot.

Heating commands may interfere with the heating commands inside the gcode LayerStartPos is now works, but still in development. The only reliable setting at the moment is "LastHeadPos". New slicing parameter exposed: Perimeter gap.

You can insert a small gap on the perimeter to avoid 'bubbles' on the surface. Line segments below that size are not drawn in the horizontal shell. Known bugs: Possible deadlock when LayerStartPos! HShell overlaps badly with loops. The update. They have been fixed. OBJ reader: Now it can handle polygons having more than 4 vertices. Circular build platform was incorrectly square while seeing from below ground level. Support structure toolpath is more optimal now. It was a bug that enabled automatic supportbars to be spawned inside a solid object.

Those bars were masked out completely in the previous version but they was able to ruin the optimal travel path between the bars. CNC Accessories. Laser Cutter Accessories.

Bed Adhesion. Dobot Robotic Arm. Fume Extractors. Hydroponic Systems. Ultrasonic Cleaners. Vacuum Formers. UV Curing. B9Creations Resin. All CNC Machines. I2R CNC.

All Laser Cutters. All 3D Scanners. The revolutionary CraftWare Pro is ideal for Craftbot Forum. Do you want to increase efficiency?

Get more out of your slicer program? Eligible: everyone. For everyone who prints on regular basis and wants increased efficiency, or unlock all the possibilities.

Access: for one person with up to 3 different devices. For Individuals, Small businesses, Non-profits and Educational institutions. Companies whose net annual revenue regarding the preceding business year exceed Downloading CraftWare has never been easier! AppImage was created on Ubuntu Version 1.


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