DOWNLOAD FILE: Samantha Schuler
Investors give the promoter money in exchange for a share of the easement—basically the donation of property rights—which, in turn, they can claim for a tax break. The process of appraising the value of the land for tax deduction purposes is where the returns are most inflated: there are examples of tracts of land being bought for thousands of dollars an acre before being appraised at dozens of times the value for tax purposes. And those involved have adopted the tried-and-true D. In , a nonprofit advocacy group called Partnership for Conservation was formed, with the purpose of pushing back against Internal Revenue Service scrutiny of those filing the tax deduction—framed as overly aggressive and antagonistic—and arguing that the deduction is vital for historic conservation and environmental protection.
Schuler is a focus of the bipartisan report from the Senate Finance Committee documenting abuse of the tax deduction. According to the report, a number of Schuler ventures relied on an appraiser who systematically over-valued properties—like mines—and netted investors hefty deductions as they promised to forego development on properties facing little risk of it. Schuler has since left P4C, but it remains the lead group pushing back against proposals to reform the tax break, both publicly and privately.
It has argued that the real problem is the appraisal process, not the tax deduction itself, because inflated appraiser values are what allow investors to reap such a return.
But the language proposed in Build Back Better seeks to curb abuse of this tax shelter by limiting deductions to percent of what the land was bought for, if the break is claimed within three years of a partnership purchasing the land. It is based on a bill written by Sen. Steve Daines, a Montana Republican, and Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a Michigan Democrat, which has yet to become law despite its bipartisan support.
Initially, lawmakers wanted that rule to apply retroactively—opening up past transactions to enforcement under the rule, which is an area of concern for Sinema and others, though retroactivity would have dated to when the IRS put suspected tax cheats on notice.
Public statements from P4C, and other critics of reform, have focused on the retroactive aspect as most problematic. The group has also blanketed Facebook with heart-tugging ads featuring fuzzy critters that convey the impression they are focused on climate change and environmental preservation. Other high-powered lobbyists have gotten involved to fight conservation easement reforms.
Henry Waxman D-CA , the veteran lawmaker with significant cred on environmental issues. Hamburger, J. Hamlin, Amy Hamma, K. Han, Sungmii L. Hanas, Erin Hanawalt, C. Hanfmann, G. Hansen, Julie V. Hansen, Morten Hansen, M. Hargrove, J. Harkett, Daniel E. Harmansah, Omur Harney, E. Harper, D. Harper, M. Harren, Natilee Harrington, Kevin P. Harris, Anne Harris, Mazie M. Harris, A. Harrison, Katherine Harrison, Gail S.
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Howett, J. Huerta, Monica Hufbauer, B. Hunter, John B. Hunting, Mary Anne Huntington, J. Huntington, S. Huntington, D. Huntsman, Theresa Hunvald, Katharine C.
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