Free download photos god knows our every need
Anne Cro1, W. Fillmore Ingalls, J. Angel Voices, Ever Singing. He is able to be the perfect guide, because He saw the days of our lives long before. This is how He is able to use all things to our good.
This is how He is able to bring people into our lives just when we need them. This is how He is able to provide the miracles, the encouragement and the moments of victory. This is how He is able to be the I Am in our lives — the everything and all in all. Because He knows, intimately and completely. There is not a single detail of our lives that He has not noted and prepared for. What a wonderful foundation for faith, for thanksgiving and for rejoicing.
Knowing this truth enables us to praise Him in all circumstances, for though we may feel as if we are groping in the dark, He has seen it all before and is able to lead us through. Father God, thank You for the assurance that have gone before, that You have seen the days fashioned for us, and have already prepared for each and every moment or need. Help us to rely always and only on You, secure in the knowledge that You know all, and that You hold us securely in Your hand.
Thank you again for your insight into the Word. Thank you, Marie, for your encouragement to me. It is a privilege and a blessing to share what God has given me. If you plan to use our art in print you'll want to become a member. Browse , professional god stock photos available royalty-free. Man hands palm praying and worship of cross, eucharist therapy bless god helping, hope and faith, christian religion concept.
Man hands palm raising up for. God giving a helping hand to human. With sunlight background. Related Images: jesus religion prayer bible church cross god christianity hope.
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Creative Bloq is supported by its. Public Pastes.