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Data recovery Information Sys- tem 6. True Business Process 7. Refer to Sections 1. Business process modelling BPM is an activity that represents processes of an enterprise, to analyse and improve that the current process. Business process re-engineering BPR is a technique that allows us to rethink the fundamentals and redesign the processes of business to achieve rapid improvements.

Refer to Section 1. Introduction to information systems: enabling and transforming business 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Business Process Reengineering. Stair, R. Fundamentals of Informa- tion Systems 3rd ed. Cambridge, Boston: Thomson Learning. An Introduction To Control Systems.

Today, the college has become popular because of its highly-qualified faculty and a wide range of pro- grammes for students. The college campus has spread over a large area, which facilitates a good infrastructure for over students. The college also provides hostel facilities to students. In the past several years, education of Information Technology IT has been added to the course curriculum and has been given high priority in the college. Due to the variety of educational assignments, Web access was given to students.

The college authority delegated the responsibility of handling and managing security systems to Richard Parker, a teacher at the college. IM Richard Parker was not from a technical background but was trained in computer security. He knew the basics of risk assess- ment, running of software and hardware firewalls, and data secu- rity elements.

The college network had PCs running on Win- M dows XP, which was outdated at the moment, and had not been given software support by the manufacturer anymore. The col- lege network was connected through the university network. N First, Richard Parker decided to install the new Windows 7 oper- ating system and a firewall, which is a priority for any type of net- work security.

The firewall software works as a barrier between the network and the outside world. Then, Internet usage guide- lines and policies were made for students and the teaching staff. With the help of efficient software, the college network now was secure and protected. It delivers valuable information after processing the data. Organisations, business or otherwise, are depen- dent on an information system to control and manage their business operations.

They need an information system to manage customer and supplier relationship, compete with other organisations, etc. Information systems have simplified IM many human activities, which have made a positive impact on soci- ety. These systems have increased the speed of daily activities and enhanced the efficiency of organisations. Data is a crucial part of in- formation systems, and after being processed, this data delivers us knowledge and information.

This information has become a vital eco- M nomic resource for every organisation. An information system comprises many components, which are used to input, process, and output data in the form of information. The N main components of an information system are computer hardware, software, data, human resources, and procedures. Hardware and soft- ware are the components of IT, which is now a vital part of operations and management in organisations.

This chapter starts by explaining the different types of hardware de- vices, namely input devices, output devices, and storage devices. Fur- ther, it explains software concepts, namely, operating systems, pro- gramming languages, and ready-made packages and their operating systems.

An organisation or an individual can own one or more computers in the form of laptops, tablets, smart phones, or any other portable device. Large organisations have distributed computer systems located in remote data centres. These organisations also use mobile devices, which are integrated into the organisational information system.

In the last few years, the cost of hardware has rapidly decreased, whereas the cost of processing speed and storage capacity has increased.

However, the power consumption of hardware is still a major concern being addressed by business or- ganisations. Hardware can be described as the collection of physical components of a computer or the parts of a computer that can be physically touched.

Most hardware contains physical parts such as circuit boards, ICs In- tegrated Circuits , and other electronic parts.

A computer monitor is an example of hardware, which displays the information on a screen. A computer cannot exist without hardware. Also, software applica- tions cannot run without hardware. Computer hardware consists of four types of devices, as shown in Figure 2.

Input devices allow a user to perform numerous tasks interactively with the computer. Without input devices, a user is not able to interact with a computer. It is similar in appearance to the traditional typewriter, but it has some extra keys, which have their own purpose.

Figure 2. F1 - F12 Function keys have different usage based on the op- erating systems and the application. N For example, in a Windows operating system, F1 is used to open the Help window. Tab The Tab key is used to give indention between lines and switch between controls such as menu bars and textboxes. Caps lock This is used to type capital letters. Shift This is used to type a single capital character. It is also a modifier key, which is used in combination with other keys.

Alt The Alt alternate key is a modifier key that is used in combination with other keys. Back Space This is used to delete text backwards. Delete This is used to delete text, files, and other objects from the computer hard drive.

Space bar This is used to enter space between text. Esc This is used to escape a programme. PrtScrn This is used to print the currently open document. Scroll lock This is used to lock the scroll bar and temporarily stop the scrolling of text.

Pause This is used to pause the actions of the programme being run or the scrolling of text. Break This is used to break the pause or other halt state of the computer. S Insert This is used to change the cursor type. Home This is used to return the cursor to the beginning of a line or a document. IM Page up This is used to move one page up.

Page down This is used to move one page down. Arrows This is used to move the cursor in different direc- tions such as up, down, left and right. M Num Lock This is used to enable and disable the numeric key- pad. Indicators This is used to notify the user about the status of the different lock keys. N Menu This is used to open the context menu of the pro- gramme which is clicked.

Alphabetic Keys This is used to enter alphabets. Numeric Keys This is used to enter numbers. Through many years, the keyboard has evolved with new technologies.

Its design has been changed many times in the past several years, but the basic layout of a keyboard is still the same. However, variations of the common keyboard are now available.

Following are some different types of keyboards: Standard Keyboard: A standard keyboard has keys on an av- erage, however, some still older versions of keyboards, with the number of keys ranging from 95 — , also exist. Standard key- boards are the most basic keyboards, but they still have variations in their key placement.

It emphasises cor- S rect positions and techniques while working, so that the work is done with the least possible strain on any muscle. An ergonomic keyboard is designed with these concerns in mind.

IM The design of an ergonomic keyboard is based on ergonomics. It is slightly broader than and different from standard keyboards. These keyboards are used by people who spend long hours working on key- boards to avoid stress in their wrist muscles. Such a keyboard is more comfortable to use, because you can work on it with a certain distance from the monitor.

Wireless keyboards use different technologies, such as Bluetooth, infra-red, and radio frequency, to connect to the com- puter.

It performs various tasks by its two click buttons known as the M left-click and the right-click buttons. The mouse sends information to the computer when the user presses the click buttons and the com- puter performs the task after processing the command. The user can also consider the mouse as an alternative to the various MS-DOS com- N mands because, with the help of the mouse, the user does not have to remember MS-DOS commands such as cd, mkdir, and dir.

The movement of the ball determines the position of the cursor on the screen. It is costlier than the mechanical mouse. It does not require a wire or a cable to work. Instead, it uses wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and infra-red. It transmits data with the help of radio waves or infrared light waves.

A receiver is connected to the computer using a USB port, and the mouse has a transmitter built in it. This mouse provides the freedom of work- ing on a computer from a distance.

In IM such situations, they can use scanners. A scanner is used to scan a text document or an image and convert it into a digital file.

A scanner allows the computer to read, display, and edit the scanned document on the screen. Most scanners have a flat M scanning surface, hence, they are also called flatbed devices. There are some other popular types of scanners such as: Sheetfed Scanner: A sheetfed scanner scans the document fed N into it. Handheld Scanner: A handheld scanner is held and dragged over a document to scan it.

It is commonly used in general stores to scan product information. It is stored in electronic format so you can store and edit images in your computer. There are various photo ed- iting computer applications that you can use to edit your images. Im- ages captured with digital cameras have a limited resolution due to the limited amount of memory in camera.

For example, The gaming parlours use these devices for N arcade games. With the help of joystick you can move an object in a game such driving a car in a driving simulator game. This touch sensitive panel takes the touch of a finger as input. Using the touch screen you can interact with devices without a mouse of keyboard for input. It is used in the public environment where people only need general information, for example ATM machine.

However, with the rapid growth and demand of this technology touch screens are mainly used in small devices such as smartphone and tablets. Fig- ure 2. It is shaped like a pen and connected to the computer. There is a light sensitive element in the light pen which detects light from the screen when placed against it.

This allows the computer to identify the loca- tion of the pen on the screen. A computer performs various calculations through its processing devices. In a computer, processing devices control the storage and retrieval of information. The information is processed through the CPU, which performs various operations on data such as calculation and comparison. Every computer contains processing devices. Users cannot perform operations on data without processing devices.

Other than the CPU, devices, such as graphics card, computer memory, net- work card, and others, are also processing devices. Saving data is important in an organisation, because any loss of data can lead to problems or loss. In a computer, a user saves data in storage devices. A storage device is a hardware device that holds user data. There are two types of storage devices used in computers: primary storage device, such as a computer Random Access Memo- ry RAM , and a secondary storage device such as a computer hard drive.

Without a storage device, a computer cannot save any informa- tion. There are different types of storage devices. It is a storage de- vice that allows information to be stored and retrieved quickly from a random location in the memory. For example, when we copy text from a document, the text is stored for a short amount of time in the M RAM.

Data is retrieved randomly in RAM and not sequentially, thus, the computer accesses data faster as compared to data retrieval from a hard disc. RAM is a volatile memory, because it needs electric power to keep the data available.

All the data stored in memory will be lost if N power is lost. ROM is a non-volatile memory, unlike RAM, which means it maintains and stores information in itself regardless of the presence of electric power.

For example, system settings are stored in the ROM, which are not lost even when power is switched off. They can store any type of data.

For example, audio file, IM video file, or any other digital file. A CD is often used in organisations to store business presentations. It is also the main storage device that stores data permanently in the computer. The HD contains rapidly ro- tating discs called platters inside air-sealed casings, which are coated with magnetic material. It holds its data even when there is no pow- er.

For example, organisations can store business reports in the hard disc permanently. When a user inputs data into a computer, the computer processes the data and shows the result on the com- puter monitor.

A monitor is the most common example of an output N device. It works as an interface between the user and the CPU. A monitor is connected to a video adapter through a cable. The CPU instructs the video adapter regarding the information to be displayed on the screen.

Then the video adapter converts the instructions into corresponding signals and sends them to the monitor. The monitor comprises a circuitry that generates the content to be displayed on the screen. These documents are on the computer system and are often required to be printed on pages. Printers are used to print such docu- N ments.

A printer is an output device, which generates the hard copy of data residing in the computer system. In an organisation, printers are used on a wide scale to print text, images, business reports and other important documents. There are many types of printers such as dot matrix printers and laser printers. Projectors are commonly used in business meetings and presentations to ensure that everyone can see the infor- mation. Which of the following type of devices control storage and retrieve information?

Input c. Calculating d. Output 3. Name the study of methods that reduces stress on muscles? A Sheetfed scanner is held and dragged over a document to scan it. Software enables users to interact with a computer and perform various opera- tions. Software is an essential part of a computer system. Without soft- ware, computers are useless. For example, without the help of a Web browser, users cannot access the Internet. Also, without an operating system, which is also a type of software, the browser cannot run on a computer.

There are two types of software, discussed as follows: System Software: System software is designed to control and op- erate other computer programmes. The operating system is an ex- ample of system software, because it manages other software pro- grammes.

Other software applications, which are installed with an operating system, also exist. These applications are sometimes also called system software, because they are a part of the oper- S ating system. This kind of system software can be necessary for other applications to function properly.

All system software are not used by users directly, some system IM software run in the background. For example, when a user installs a windows operating system, Internet Explorer IE is automat- ically installed with it. Although it is not necessary for a user to use IE, because other Web browsers are available for free.

Still, numerous applications rely on the components of IE to function M properly. Application Software: Application software is a software pro- gramme that is designed to perform specific tasks.

Some exam- N ples of application software are Web browsers, word processors, spreadsheets and other utility applications. Consider the example of word processor. Organisations always need to create various reports and legal documents for different purposes. They use the word processor programme to create such documents, because it provides various utilities such as different fonts, colours and lay- outs. System software run in the background and enable other applications to run.

These system software consist of programmes such as assem- bler, compiler and file management system. Application software run on the top of these system software. System software are installed au- tomatically when a user installs an operating system, whereas in case of application software, the user can decide which application to install. It also controls and manages application software in a computer system. A computer is useless without an operating system. When computers were first introduced, users interacted with com- puters through commands.

Memorising all the difficult commands was not easy, because sometimes users needed to perform a series of commands. Today, every computer uses a GUI Graphical User Inter- face based operating system, which consists of buttons, menu bars, textbox, etc.

A programming language contains predefined instructions, which are used to create computer programmes. Comput- er programmers write these instructions to command the programme to perform its tasks. After writing the complete programme, it is com- piled using a compiler.

A compiler turns a programming language into a machine language, which a computer understands. Then the compiler generates an executable file, which the user can run on a computer. Using programming language, programmers can develop different kinds of software applications such as GUI applications and Web applications. He is currently researching value creation and appropriation opportunities stemming from big data and digital data streams.

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Resources are shared among equals in a peer-to-peer network. The file server is considered to be the heart of the system; it provides access to centralised resources. All the other computers called clients can access these resources pro- vided by the file servers. Thus, NOS provides the mechanism to in- tegrate all the components of the network and allow multiple users to simultaneously share the same resources irrespective of physical location.

Firewall is required when this network is connected to a public network, such as the Internet. Firewall rules are usually simple, consisting of a verb, either allow or deny, the direction of the traffic, either inbound or outbound, and an address or other network traffic identifier.

Although firewalls typically protect internal networks from public networks, they can also be used to control access between specific network segments within a net- work. For example, you might place a firewall between the accounts department and the sales department. Then make a list of hardware devices used in creating the network.

There are few common hardware devices attached to a net- work that is shared by all the computers in a network like printers, file servers etc.

The computers are attached using transmission ca- bles to form a network. Shared data is also one of the most important components of the network. Then there are other components which form the network like NIC, local operating system and the network operating system NOS.

S Let us discuss each component of a network in the following section: File Servers—File Server or simple server is a computer that is IM one of the most important components of a network. It holds files, programs, and data that have to be shared over the network. Net- work operating system also resides on the server. Servers provide access to shared network resources to all the users of the network.

Servers can be of many different kinds and one server can provide several functions. For example, there are file servers enable shar- M ing of files , print servers enable sharing of printers , mail servers enable sharing of mails , communication servers, database serv- ers enable sharing of common database , fax servers enable shar- N ing of fax machine and web servers, to name a few.

Client - Client is another name for all the computers that are a part of a network, except server, which can access the network and shared network resources. Transmission Media - Transmission media is the hardware cable used to interconnect computers in a network. These cables can be twisted-pair wire, coaxial cable, and optical fiber cable. Transmis- sion media are sometimes called channels, links or lines.

Shared data - Shared data is that data which resides on file serv- ers and is meant to be shared by all the computers which are part of the network. It can be data files, software etc. Shared printers and other peripherals - Shared printers and pe- ripherals are hardware resources that are connected to the server. They can be shared by all the computers connected to the network by sending a request to do so to the server.

Printers, fax machine are some of the peripherals that can be used by clients on the net- work. The NIC sends and receives data, and con- trols data flow between a computer and the network Local Operating System - A local operating system is the operat- ing system that resides on individual computer which is a part of a network.

It enables the computer to work individually as well as work as part of a network. Network Operating System NOS - The network operating sys- tem is an operating system that runs on servers as well as on all the computers that are part of a network. This operating system allows the computers to communicate with each other over the network and to share network resources.

Topology — Topology is defined as geometrical representation of S various devices in a computer network. It basically defines the structure of a network and can be physical as well as logical. Phys- ical topology refers to placement of various components like de- IM vices and cabling. Logical topology refers to the way data moves between components irrespective of its physical design.

There are four basic physical topologies that are common in network: 1. Mesh: In mesh topology all the components of a network are M connected to each other directly. N Figure 3. Star: In star topology each device connected to a central device either hub or switch with a point-to-point connection.

Bus: In bus topology each device is connected to a single bus M cable running through the network. Ring: In ring topology all the devices are set up in a circular fashion in which data travels around the ring in one direction and each device on the ring acts as a repeater to keep the signal strong as it travels.

It acts like a distribution center. The basic function of a hub is to take data from one device in the network and transmit it to the entire network. M N Figure 3.

Unlike Hub, it can deliver data to the right destination or device by recognising its physical address. In other words switch connects the source and destina- tion directly which increases the speed of the network.

In which of the following topology, every subsequent device acts as a repeater to keep the signal strong as it travels. Mesh b. Bus c. Star d. Accordingly, user authorisation and access rights and the use of network differ. Thus, LAN is a small network of computers attached to each other. It is considered to be the best network for smaller organisations.

By virtue of being a small network, the data transfer speed is very high. An example of a LAN is shown in Figure 3. It might span a city or a large campus. The area covered by MAN can be a group of nearby corporate offices spanning over a city. MAN can be either pri- vate or public. A local cable television network is an example of MAN. It uses cables, telephone lines and satellite links for its func- tioning. WAN is defined by an unlimited geographic area it covers.

It is used for exchang- ing data over short distances. It uses short-wavelength ultra-high fre- quency radio waves from fixed and mobile devices for data transfer. It is intended to replace the cables connecting devices, while maintaining high levels of security. The key features of Bluetooth technology are low power, and low cost. The most advantageous feature of Bluetooth technology is that a wide range of devices can connect and communicate with each other ir- respective of technology these are based on.

The only condition to communicate is that they should be Bluetooth enabled devices. When two Bluetooth enabled devices connect to each other, it is called pair- ing. The structure and the global acceptance of Bluetooth technology mean any Bluetooth enabled device, almost everywhere in the world, can connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices located in proximity to one another. The chip is typically capable of carrying 2, bytes of data or less.

The tags store information electronically. Unlike a barcode, these tags are not necessarily within line of sight of the reader, and may be em- bedded in the tracked object. Functionally, a RFID device is similar to a bar code or a magnetic strip on the back of a credit card or ATM card; it provides a unique iden- tifier for that object. And, just as a bar code or magnetic strip, the RFID device must be scanned to retrieve the identifying information.

In contrast, RFID devices can work within a few feet up to 20 feet for high-frequency devices of the scanner. For instance, you could just put all of your groceries or purchases in a bag, and set the bag on the scanner. The scanner would be able to read all of the RFID devices and total the purchase immediately.

For two Bluetooth devices to be able to communicate with each other they need not be Bluetooth enabled. We can compare characteristics of different networking op- tions to evaluate the networks at different levels. Following are some of the characteristics of a network: Availability: Availability is the measure of the probability that the network will be available when required.

Scalability: Scalability is the measure of how best a network ac- commodates an increase in number of users and increase in data transmission in an existing structure. A scalable network is de- M signed in such a way that allows easy future expansions to avoid adverse effect on its existing performance. If it is not so then high expenses will have to be incurred to transform an old net- N work into a new one which can accommodate more users or trans- mits more data.

Security: Security is a major concern in networks. For a network it defines the level of protections of a network from misuse, intru- sion, etc. Maintaining security is of utmost concern for a network to keep things in order and to avoid unwanted attacks otherwise insecure networks might cost a lot in the long run.

Reliability: Reliability is the characteristic of a network that shows the level to which a network can be depended upon. This charac- teristic is weighed against the dependability of the network com- ponents like switches, routers, hub etc.

If any of these fail then the entire network might just shut down. Topology: Topology can be of two types i. Physical topology deals with the arrangement of physical components in a network whereas logical topology deals with the path that data signals take through the physical topology. Network model is defined as a set of network layers and how they interact with each other and with the S layers present in another network. It specifies how data should be formatted, addressed, transmitted, routed and M received at the destination.

The Internet Layer: This layer connects hosts across indepen- dent networks, thus establishing internetworking. The Transport Layer: This layer handles host-to-host commu- nication. The Application Layer: This layer provides process-to-pro- cess application data exchange.

OSI is a seven layered architecture. Every layer serves the layer above it and is served by the layer below it. For example, a layer that provides error-free communications across a network provides the path needed for applications above it, while it calls the next lower layer to send N and receive packets that make up the contents of that path. Two instances at one layer are connected by a horizontal connection on that layer.

The seven layers of OSI model are: 1. Application Layer: It is used in applications that are written specially to run on the network. This layer allows access to network services that support applications. Presentation Layer: This layer translates from application format to network format and vice-versa to enable easy transmission of data across networks.

Session Layer: This layer is responsible for establishing, maintaining and ending sessions across the network. Transport Layer: This layer divides streams of data into chunks or packets that can be transported across network. It also reassembles the message from packets at the other end.

Network Layer: This layer translates logical network address and names to their physical address. It breaks the data into smaller unit and assembles data at the other end. Data Link Layer: Takes a string of bits and delivers it across a link. Physical Layer: This layer defines physical means of moving data over network devices. Internet Layer b. Link Layer c. Physical Layer d.

You can utilise Internet for any assistance. These are used for communication within as well as outside the organisation. Earlier, organisations maintained separate networks for voice, data, and video communication whereas now, there are multi-service networks available.

Multi-service networks are capable of communicating all these media together through a single network infrastructure. These networks help in reducing the cost involved in networking and support with services and solutions as well, such as video collaboration, voice data call centers, distance learning or unified messages to combine voice mail, e-mail and faxes. These applications need network support to be executed in an organisation. S Now, let us study communication networks in a business application in the following section.

Computers in intranet are not accessible to the world outside of the intranet. Each computer in Intranet is also identified by an IP address, which is unique among the computers in that Intranet. An extranet is a computer network that gives controlled access from the outside, for specific business or educational purposes. These networks can be of local to global scope that is linked by various networking technologies be it electronic, wireless, and optical.

Every computer on the internet is identified by a unique address called as its IP address. An IP address is a unique set of num- bers such as The Internet also carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and the World Wide Web www , support for email etc.

Internet is ac- cessible to every user all over the world. Vendors and suppliers of an organisation can have access to the intranet of the organisation. In a computer network, computers are connected together in order to share hardware resources such as printers and CDs , software resources exchange data and files , and allow electronic commu- nications amongst each other.

A computer network design consists of basically two parts viz. Wireless networking is used for portable and handheld devices.

There are four basic physical topologies that are common in net- work: star, mesh, bus and ring. Gateway: Gateway is a device that enables one network to com- municate outside of its own boundary with another network. Hub: A hub is a network device that is placed centrally and all the computers are attached to it via cable.

It is used to send data or signal sent by one of the computers to all the others connect- ed with it. Repeater: Repeater is a device which amplifies or regenerates weak digital signals received before sending them from one part of a network into another.

Topology: Topology is defined as geometrical representation of various devices in a computer network. Bluetooth: Bluetooth technology is a wireless communication technology standard that is simple, secure and is used for ex- changing data over short distances.

RFID: Radio Frequency Identification RFID is a non-contact wireless technology that uses radiofrequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data and is used for the purpose of automati- cally identifying and tracking tags attached to objects. Discuss various advantages and disadvantages of implementing networking in an organisation. What are the five types of networks? Explain each of them with an example.

Differentiate between two types of network models, explaining their area of implementation. Describe the three communication networks viz. Intranet, extranet, and Internet. Answers Meaning of Networking 1.

True Hardware and Software for 2. Peer-to-peer Networking Basic Components of a Net- 3. Ring work Types of Networks 4. False Characteristics of Networks 5. Physical topology, logical topology Network Models 6. Computer network brings an added advantage to an organisation. Although whatever we have seen so far indicate computer networks enhance the overall performance of an organisation, but this network has some disadvantages too.

Refer to Section 3. The network can also be classified on the basis of scale i. The size of network characterises its physical capacity or its organisational purpose. Network model is defined as a set of network layers and how they interact with each other and with the layers present in another network. Communication networks have been widely used in business organisations. These are used for communication within as well S as outside the organisation.

Refer IM to Section 3. Virtualisation Security. New York: Wiley. N Tanenbaum, A. Computer networks. Upper Saddle River, N. Physicians must maintain flaw- less records, because this document serves a number of purposes. In spite of the important function of the medical record, it has come under severe threat due to the manual system of medical record keeping. This system involves taking down patient data on pieces of papers, which are then put into the files and filed in cabinets.

One problem is the missing pieces of information. S Physicians and their office staff have stated that they spent more time looking for patient information than the patient.

Another IM major consideration is the physical safety of the data being stored. Threats exist externally in the form of natural disasters. A study on hospital patient database management system was de- M signed to transform the manual way of searching, sorting, keep- ing, and accessing patient medical information files into Elec- tronic Medical Records EMR to solve the problems associated with the manual method.

In a nut shell, this will improve the efficiency of management of daily work, because it will provide the required information on time. If that data is not managed properly, a lot of relevant data related to the organisation might get lost. Data can be generated internally, such as employee data, or can be collected externally, such as customer infor- S mation or sales data.

Database management helps an organisation in effectively managing its data resources. Till a few years back, databases were managed in a traditional for- mat, where data was usually stored in textual or numeric form. Now, we can store audio, video, and pictures in databases. These databases M are generally referred to as multimedia databases. In addition, we can even store maps, weather data, and satellite information in what is called Geographical Information Systems GISs , which is a combina- tion of cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology.

N This chapter starts by introducing the concept of a database and its usage in an organisation. Next, it discusses the types of databases. Thereafter, the chapter explains the various functions and objectives of database management. Further, it discusses the major components of database management. Towards the end, various database models have been discussed in the chapter.

DATA Data, in the simplest term, is a collection of raw facts and figures. It is the key ingredient for any database sys- tem. Data represents facts, observations, assumptions, and occurrence. Data has to be in a structured form, i. The infor- mation generated by processing of data helps in supporting business processes in terms of decision making and improved efficiency.

Data can be of various types from the perspective of an organisation. Mainly, there are five types of data, which are depicted in Figure 4. Graphic: It refers to pictorial or any other graphical form of data, for example, a picture of employees working in an organisation. Audio: It refers to data that is in the form of sound, for example, a recorded audio message from a CEO for the employees. Video: It refers to data that is in the form of a combination of pic- ture and sound, for example, a video of the production floor on a particular day.

Pre-specified Information: It refers to data in any of the above forms, which have been used for a previous process in an informa- tion system, for example, details of employee attendance. Products search. My Account. Username Password Remember me Login Lost your password? Email address A password will be sent to your email address. Shopping Cart 0 Wishlist 0. To download free accounting information systems 2nd edition by robert hurt you need to register.

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