Mac faster downloads than pc

When you calculate the cost of ownership in that way, Macs win easily. All you have to do is compare the value of a Windows PC from, say, three years ago which is often close to zero , and compare that to what you can get for your 3-year-old Mac. We tried shopping for a PC just to compare, and after about 15 minutes our eyes glazed over. Our friendly and expert staff is happy to help you through the entire process. Those same people often get frustrated that if you want to run the Mac OS, your choices are essentially limited to Apple, and then the limited choices they give you within that.

In general, when Apple makes assumptions with its software, it gets it right, Microsoft often gets it wrong. Most often, however, it just gets annoying. Most people spend more time undoing the presumptions than benefitting by them… Microsoft is just horrible at getting in the way. Yes, Macs can get viruses too, but it isn't as common. UNIX and Linux are compartmentalized operating systems that make it difficult for viruses to infect the system.

It's also because there are less people using Macs, so virus creators target their viruses for Windows users. Meanwhile, PCs running Windows are very susceptible to viruses if they don't have an antivirus.

And the antivirus can often slow down the computer. Yet, computer-savvy individuals, such as myself, never even run an antivirus and don't get viruses, because we know what now to click, and we know how to lock down our computer against threats. I do run an anti-malware software though, Malwarebytes, but it's very hard for my PC to become infected by a virus, because it's so secure. Yet, your regular user won't know all this and they can get viruses.

So, that would make Mac a winner over Windows - but not PCs. Remember that PCs can run Linux? Well if you put Linux on your PC, it's probably even more resistant to viruses than Macs, so, I'll call it a draw. Macs are touted for their longevity, but it's hardly true. The build quality is not as good as it used to be, and because they're overpriced and not upgradeable, they become underpowered and outdated fast.

Some PCs definitely have a lower build quality than Macs. But at the same price point, you'll be getting the high-quality PCs that are equally or even more reliable than Macs.

That is simply not a fair comparison. Both have a tendency to break down due to misuse or overuse; but if treated gently, both can last for many years. If you like to game, you should get a PC. First of all, PCs as mentioned earlier are cheaper than Macs for the same hardware; and secondly, they are upgradable. But even more, game developers develop mainly for PC, so you'll have far more games and they will be way better supported than Macs.

Fancy art schools try to claim that Macs are best, but I suspect some foul play - perhaps Apple has paid them off. Again, you can get a PC that is cheaper and more powerful, and just as reliable; but even more, there are more fantastic graphic design software supported on PCs but not Macs.

They also run more smoothly on PCs which are well-tuned, and faster as long as you're not running Norton or McAfee please remove those if they're on your PC. But the same exact software on the same exact hardware will run identically on PC or Mac, give or take milliseconds? It is total nonsense and BS by uneducated and biased sycophants for someone to claim Mac is better for graphic design or video editing.

My entire career the only time I used a Mac for graphic design was in grade school, and that's simply because that's what they had. I prefer PC hands-down for graphic design and video editing. I'm going to call this one for PCs, because PCs can support more software, and for the same price have way better performance. Another suspicious entry. There are some programming schools and programmers who claim that Macs are better for programming because they're similar to Linux.

What nonsense! Windows, especially Windows 10, all support every single piece of software, but do it faster, and have even more software than Macs. The only people saying Macs are better for programming either are being paid by Apple and should be investigated by the FTC, or have never even used a PC, or don't know how to use a PC.

Ruby and all the other main programming languages all are supported on Windows, and you can even use the command line in Windows. But if you're a die-hard programmer, you shouldn't be using Windows or Macs, you should be using Linux. I still use Windows, and not Linux, but only because Linux doesn't support half the software I use.

I'm considering getting another PC only running Linux. And I manage dedicated servers which run on Linux all the time, so I already have my fair share of Linux usage, unlike your everyday programmer. And remember - Macs run Mac. You can put Linux on it, but then why would you have an overpriced Mac? Might as well have a PC which is more powerful for less price.

PCs on the other hand run both Windows and Linux - and you can even set up dual boot. Macs are ok for business use, especially if the company pays for it. With Windows, it easily integrates into the operating system, but with Mac, although you can use it on a Mac, you miss out on a lot of the functionality, if it even works.

Microsoft also bought Skype, and other business software also may work better or only be compatible with PCs, which make up the bulk of the computer share globally. Windows on the other hand does have potential issues with breaches, but a well-built IT department can control the company's windows systems easily from a central location to help mitigate viruses. Macs on the other hand are not built for networking, which is why besides cost most companies use Windows.

That brings us to cost. Most companies wanting to distribute computers to the whole organization will also be money conscious, and PCs win hands-down when it comes to cost effectiveness.

Therefore, PCs can be considered more robust as well as more affordable for business use, and therefore take the winning position. With few exceptions, an educated IT team will simply not recommend Macs if they really have the company's best interest at heart.

The Mac vs PC debate will continue as long as they are the two major choices for hardware and operating systems. Whatever you choose, enjoy it! All rights reserved. Neither Crucial nor Micron Technology, Inc. Micron, the Micron logo, Crucial and the Crucial logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Micron Technology, Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. PlayStation is a trademark of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

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