Padi enriched air manual pdf download

Whether you want to work at a faraway dive destination or close to home at a local dive shop, the adventure of a lifetime awaits you. PADI Divemasters are respected dive professionals who are aligned with the largest and most respected dive organization in the world.

You must have your own scuba gear. BCD, Regulator, wetsuits, dive computer, and safety equipment Prerequisites: 40 logged dives to start. Because scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives.

Note that in some regions the minimum age is older than They scoot you through the water allowing you to glide over reefs, buzz around a large wreck or weave through a kelp forest. Whether making a shore or boat dive, a DPV is a great way to see more and have fun doing it. The PADI Underwater Navigator course fine-tunes your observation skills and teaches you to more accurately use your compass underwater. If you like challenges with big rewards, take this course and have fun finding your way.

There are effective ways to search for objects underwater that increase your chances of success. And there are good and better methods to bring up small, large or just awkward items. Search and recovery can be challenging, but a whole lot of fun.

Scuba diving from a boat is fun and relatively easy because you usually descend directly onto your dive site. The scene changes as day creatures retire and nocturnal organisms emerge. Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life.

Each wreck dive offers a chance for discovery, potentially unlocking a mystery or spying something others have missed.

The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course is popular because it offers rewarding adventures while observing responsible wreck diving practices. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover almost as if by thought. They more easily observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings.

You can achieve this, too. Scuba diver is popular with resorts and cruise ships. Scuba diver is restricted to 40 feet and must dive with a dive professional. Open Water Diver may dive to 60 feet with any certified dive buddy. Your upgrade includes the PADI written exam, pool training and refresher, and your remaining 2 required check-out dives.

Whether you want a few reminders or need to go over the basics, we are here for you. From there you will gear up and jump into the pool and complete an in-water skills review, buoyancy check and finish up with some fun. After this pool dive you will have the confidence and skills to safely participate in additional deeper dives on our regularly scheduled boat trips.

The price of this dive includes the instruction, tank, weight, and any gear required. During the Enriched Air Nitrox course you will learn how to properly select the best mix for your dive through some simple calculations for the proper mix. You'll also learn how to use your Enriched Air, equivalent air depth and oxygen exposure tables to plan your dive.

Finally you will learn how to properly label your tank, calibrate and use an oxygen analyzer to verify your mix. Four computer divers you will learn how to set your dive computers to the proper mix.

You will also have to set and confirm your dive computers partial pressure settings. Once you are familiar with your dive computers operation and how to set the proper mix and partial pressure you will be ready to start planning a dive. Most dive computers will have an onboard dive planning mode which will tell you your maximum bottom time and depth for any given mix. Is good for life! Traditional academics begin with home study followed by a short session with your instructor in the classroom.

You begin the academics in the comfort of your own home. Once you sign up for the course, you will receive all the academic materials needed to complete the home study portion of your course. Step Three: review dive tables and dive computer functions. This will get you ready for your classroom session.

We will go over all of the tables and get you up to speed before your final exam. Step four: during your first classroom session, your instructor will go over all the dive tables, dive computers and your knowledge reviews to prepare you for your final exam.

Therefore, it is very important that you maintain good buoyancy control, navigate properly and pay attention to other factors, such as currents, that may aHect your maximum depth.

That's a strong but important statement, though it's not difficult to stay within accepted limits. Your literature can give high risk of oxygen toxicity.

If signs and symptoms do occur, they for a blend accidentally, don't appear instantly. Instead, they appear gradually immediately ascend above the maximum depth 1. The warning signs and symptoms for oxygen toxicity, they do occur, include: 1. Some come presetfor this limit.

There's no need for a It's important to keep oxygen exposure concerns and eNS toxicity in perspective. In recreational enriched air diving, you're far more likely to approach your rapid or panicked ascent - just start up immediately nitrogen limits than any oxygen limit.

By setting your at a normal, safe rate. During a penetration dive like dive computer properly and diving well within its limits, cavern or wreck diving , ascending immediately may it's easy to manage oxygen concerns. Abort the dive and ascend as soon as possible. For recreational penetration dives, it's best to keep your oxygen partial pressure very low, or to simply use air.

But, oxygen is an unforgiving gas and eNS oxygen toxicity underwater on scuba is usually fatal. Dive well within oxygen limits Because people vary in their physiology, no dive table or computer can guarantee Other factors may predispose divers to eNS toxicity.

This is especially true if you accidentally exceed the depth at which oxygen partial pressure is 1. Again, staying well within your computer limits In other words, while it's not hard to manage oxygen exposure risks, do not underestimate the consequences of failing to do so. Dive conservatively, well within all table, computer and maximum depth limits.

Some drugs are eNS exciters believed to predispose you to eNS toxicity. It's generally recommended that divers avoid decongestants when diving anyway because they may wear off during the dive, leading to a reverse block.

If you're taking a prescription, be sure to consult with a physician knowledgeable in diving medicine before using the drug while diving with air or enriched air. As previously mentioned, carbon dioxide accumulation in the body may predispose you to oxygen toxicity.

Breathe continuously do not skip breathe to avoid retaining carbon dioxide. It's quite rare for a diver who breathes normally to retain carbon dioxide, but if you frequently experience headaches after a dive, as a precaution, consult a physician familiar with diving to make sure you're not accumulating carbon dioxide while underwater.

Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity Another form of oxygen toxicity is pulmonary oxygen toxicity, which results from prolonged lung exposure to high oxygen partial pressures. This is mainly a concern activate the scroll mode that shows your no stop limits. The most common symptoms of pulmonary toxicity are irritation in the lungs, a burning sensation in the chest, coughing and reduction of the vital capacity total with EANx.

Some models display this based on 1. Also, some amount of air you can inhale. Typically, if it does occur and the diver discontinues diving before symptoms become severe, pulmonary toxicity clears up quickly and without complication given sufficient time at the surface breathing air. Still, in the unlikely event you experience any of the symptoms, as a precaution discontinue diving for a few days until the symptoms resolve, and consult a physician if symptoms are severe or prolonged.

The Physiology of Diving in The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving Managing Oxygen Exposure You use your enriched air compatible dive computer to help you manage your oxygen exposure so you stay well within limits.

The first step, as mentioned previously, is to set your dive computer for a maximum oxygen partial pressure of 1.

See the manufacturer quidelines for doing this, and your instructor can help you. Once you have this set, most computers will remember this limit The second step is setting your computer for the specific enriched air blend you're using for your dive. This is essential so your computer can calculate both your no stop limits and your oxygen exposure. You'll learn more about this shortly. With most models, the deepest depth displayed is the deepest depth you can reach unthout exceeding 1.

See the manufacturer's instructions for specifics for Most computers also display your oxygen exposure maximum and contingency status as a graph or other indicator depths with different blends.

Remember, your planned maximum depth environmental in the surface Maximum Depth 1. This is believed to further reduce the likelihood of oxygen toxicity. If your Contingency Depth 1. Logging Oxygen Exposure Because different computers display oxygen exposure differently, logging oxygen exposure after a dive depends upon your dive computer. Some display percent of oxygen exposure used, while others give you a more general Your EANx dive computer tracks your oxygen exposure, including surface interval credit, throughout the diving day much as it tracks your exposure to nitrogen.

ISee manufacturer literature for specifics on how it determines and displays indication such as bars on a graph. Therefore, you may have a precise number to log, or a more general approximation. It depends upon how the computer provides the information. When making repetitive dives, when you enter the scroll 19 Exercise 3 1. Oxygen partial o a. Signs and symptoms that may precede a convulsion due to oxygen toxicity include check all that apply : o a.

If you experience symptoms of oxygen toxicity, you should ascend immediately and end the dive. Exposure to increased oxygen partial pressure can make your allowable dive time: Do. You use your EANx dive computer to manage oxygen exposure by check all that apply : unchanged Db. There's not enough information to answer the question. The maximum and contingency pressure limits are: oxygen partial o a.

The primary hazard of exceeding the oxygen exposure limits is: o b. P02 at 1. How did you do? Divins ""il , enric 'ed air usually sivas you longer dive limes due to reduced nitrogen, but ot times oxygen exposure can limit your dive time. Who must personally verify the analysis of the oxygen content in an enriched air cylinder before it is used? What are the procedures for analyzing and travel - either they'll enriched air? Oxygen Analysis What cylinder marking should you check to Regardless of how it's blended or where you obtain it, compare your analysis against?

Enriched air fills and rental protocols are important in You need to know the percentage so you can set your managing some of the potential problems when diving enriched air dive computer, and you must be sure that with enriched air nitrox. These protocols begin when the oxygen percentage is what the blender says it is. The After shOWing your certification, you'll ask for the blend of enriched air you want, although tell you what they have available in some cases they'll If you want anything else, you may have to wait while they blend.

Dive boats. Some dive operations will bring filled enriched air blender records the information in the fill log and on a sticker decal or tag on the cylinder. Even though the blender analyzes the fill, you must personally verify the oxygen analysis of the cylinder.

Do not dive with a cylinder of enriched air if you have ill not personally verified its contents. There are no exceptions. But, it Cylinders have been confused and mismarked, and it was the diver's personal analysis that caught the error. It's important to avoid the possibility of someone else using and refilling the cylinder without your knowledge between when you analyze it and when you dive it. It's also important that the cylinder hasn't accidentally become confused with another.

Usually you'll simply analyze the cylinder contents yourself, but sometimes another qualified person performs the analysis while you watch and personally This isn't usually difficult. This is one reason why your name is on an enriched air cylinder you will use. Keep verify the oxygen content on the oxygen analyzer. Decompression sickness DCS or drowning due to by oxygen toxicity become very real risks if a cylinder If a buddy obtained your cylinder or had it filled for contains an enriched air blend different from what you you or the dive operation delivers the cylinder to the believe it to be.

Personally checking is an important dive site, you'll safety principle; it double checks the initial analysis, contents at the dive site. Again, if you've not personally verifies that the cylinder has been correctly marked for analyzed it, you don't dive it. It's also a good practice need to personally verify the cylinder that blend and confirms the cylinder wasn't accidentally to reanalyze your cylinder contents just before the dive, confused with another.

No matter how competent and well-intentioned someone may be, don't accept the analysis of another individual. It's your safety at stake. The consequences of an error will affect you. This is why the dive community watch a qualified standard is that it's your responsibility to know what blend you're diving by per:sonally confirming it.

Whatever type, for analyzing enriched air you need one that reads to one-tenth of a percent. Whatever type, for analyzing enriched air YOlt need one that reads to one-tenth of a percent. Turn the analyzer on. Turn the calibration knob until the analyzer reads Flow the enriched air you're analyzing into the analyzer at the same rate you used for calibration.

IA higher or lower rate may create inaccuracy. Give enough time to clear any air in the valve, An oxygen analyzer usually lines and flow device. INote: When opening the needs to be calibrated each time it's turned on. The valve on an enriched air cylinder, open the valve simplest method is to calibrate slowly. This for air. The preferred method is to have air [not enriched air from a scuba cylinder flow slowly across the analyzer's sensor at a controlled rate.

There are reduces the heat associated with rapid pressurization, helping concerns. Some analyzers have built-in flow devices blending in your cylinder may need some time to that let you simply hold the end against the cylinder mix evenly to get an accurate reading. Use about the same flow rate that you'll cylinder back and forth speeds this up, but most divers simply let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour analyze with.

Banked, continuous flow or membrane blended enriched air will be ready to manufacturer. Don't blow into the sensor because your breath contains moisture, which affects accuracy and reduces the sensor life. Store your analyzer in a cool place with low humidity. Check your analyzer periodically against other analyzers and replace its sensor if it performs outside the tolerance levels specified by the manufacturer, and at intervals specified by the manufacturer.

Consult the manufacturer's instructions Own Your Own Analyzer Although most enriched air dive operations have oxygen analyzers you can use when you obtain enriched air, most divers certified to use nitrox prefer to own their own. If you're serious about diving with enriched air, you'll find it's definitely worth investing in one. Don't use the unit until you confirm that it is accurate.

Blend accuracy. Most have to wait to use the dive center's. Round up or down to the closest whole percent e. This is a minor expense that you only have to make everyone to three years. In some cases, the sticker or tag may already be partially finish filling completed, and you verify and it out. At a busy blending station, you may fill it out entirely and attach it to your cylinder. In many cases, the fill log takes the form analysis.

The sticker tells the blender the oxygen content for the blend and the diver's name and signature. The of the remaining enriched air. If tags are used, be sure that the cylinder serial number on the tag matches the actual the needs of the operation. After using an enriched air cylinder, some divers write "empty" on the sticker or tag so that the cylinder isn't mistaken for one that is full. When having an empty enriched air cylinder filled, don't worry about the remaining enriched air in the cylinder The blender wil release it if necessary; don't drain it because it may not be necessary.

And, the blender may analyze the contents to confirm the cylinder wasn't improperly refilled. Son'Je divers write "empty" on the sticker or tag so that the cylinder isn't mistaken for one that is fitll. The higher the oxygen content of the EANx blend, the less nitrogen you breathe.

Within limits, or otherwise your body metabolizes absorbs oxygen, so it doesn't contribute to bubble formation after a dive. This means that compared to air, for a given dive you absorb less nitrogen.

This allows longer no decompression limits. How much longer depends upon the oxygen percentage, but here are some examples. Although you reduce your nitrogen exposure with enriched air, keep in mind that you increase your oxygen exposure. Oxygen has its own set of potential problems, some of which, if disregarded, can be Significantly hazardous than problems associated with nitrogen. Logically, if you make a given dive breathing enriched air, 18 metres 56 min 95 min min 22 metres 37 min 60 min 70 min 50 feet 80 min min min a good thing, 80 feet 30 min 45 min 55 min that when well within air limits, enriched air is "safer" you finish with less dissolved nitrogen in your body than if you had made the same dive using normal air.

This is however it would be too simplistic to state than air. As you will see, higher oxygen levels create The amount of added no stop time compared to air is even longer when you combine enriched air with an enriched a potential hazard that hardly exist in air diving within recreational limits.

This is because you benefit from the extended dive times that result from both lower nitrogen absorption You certainly and from slower absorption when you ascend to a your nitrogen exposure by following an air computer shallower while actually depth on a multilevel profile. This may be attractive if you are subject to one or more of the factors The advantage of enriched air becomes especially evident that make decompression sickness DCS more likely.

It's common to note this particularly would be well within limits. So, while enriched Simply nitrogen, the current air has less thinking is the narcosis potential sWitching to EANx would not be expected to change same. This means you should plan an enriched the rate significantly. Keep in mind that divers' susceptibility and susceptibility to narcosis differs, may change from one dive to the next.

You may feel no narcosis on one dive at a certain depth, but feel its effects on another dive to the same depth. There are some other factors like fatigue, exertion, or task loading that may influence the effects of narcosis. The Physiology of Diving in The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving Enriched Air and Narcosis Nitrogen narcosis is a well known problem for divers and it used to be assumed that breathing less nitrogen Ltd.

Although enriched air reduces the amount of nitrogen you breathe underwater, many Advantages of Using an Enriched Air Dive Computer diving physiologists believe it does not significantly Today most divers use dive computers when they narcosis.

This is because, reduce theoretically, oxygen has about the same narcotic potential as nitrogen. Further, studies have found little difference between the narcotic effects is the dive enriched air nitrox to benefit from three primary advantages. The first, as discussed above, is that computers combine enriched air with multilevel diving for the most no stop time possible. You really see the difference in added no stop dive time when making two or more repetitive dives. Second, most models wil or can be set to alert you if you accidentally exceed the maximum depth for your gas blend.

As a certified diver, you know that you should always watch your depth, but exceeding your planned depth can be serious with EANx more about maximum limits shortly. The ability for the computer to alert you to take corrective action is a significant secondary benefit. Third, dive computers simplify diving planning and execution by calculating both your oxygen exposure and your allowable no stop time, and warn you if you near the limits of either. You can do this with tables, but while it's not difficult, There'sno meaningfid difference in narcosis between enriched air nitrox and air.

Plan tA Nx dives accounting for narcosisjust as you would with air. The primary benefit of using enriched air is that it narcosis when diving. Advantages of using an enriched air dive computer lets you for enriched air diving include check all that o a. Enriched air the no stop limits compared to air. It is too simplistic to soy enriched air is safer than air when well within air no stop limits because enriched air creates an oxygen hazard and the DCI rate is already very low in recreational air diving.

What is the primary concern regarding enriched air and scuba equipment? What are the requirements and recommendations for scuba equipment other than cylinders used with enriched air with up to 40 percent oxygen? Why does enriched air diving require a dedicated cylinder? What color coding, stickers decals and tags should an enriched air cylinder have? What are the two primary concerns associated with filling enriched air cylinders, and how are they avoided?

Why should only qualified, reputable enriched temperature. Exposure to high oxygen gas blends may air blenders fill enriched air cylinders? These problems arise because fire, explosion and What should you do if an enriched air cylinder or oxygen-serviced equipment is used with standard deterioration are forms of compressed material, the more readily oxidation can occur.

To address air? How do you identify qualified enriched air blenders and enriched air service? What are the two most commonly used blends of enriched air? Requirements and Recommendations The primary concern regarding enriched air and your dive equipment is the high oxygen content. Some materials oxidation - a chemical reaction involving oxygen. The more oxygen in contact with a except 1. This M26x2 means the equipment The recommendations must be specially be made of oxygen compatible be lubricated cleaned, materials and with oxygen compatible In air may change.

Some scuba manufacturers equipment shouldn't state that their be used with enriched air. Others state that their equipment with enriched may be used recommendations Follow all manufacturer 4. The use of oxygen compatible lubricants, O-rings as appropriate during servicing annually or as stipulated by the manufacturer , by a scuba technician qualified to work air equipment.

If your equipment is cccidentollv exposed to anything other than oils, lubricants not recommended by the manufacturer, etc. If you add any accessories, and all O-rings, gaskets and other valve materials such as low pressure hoses, follow manufacturer must be oxygen compatible. The standard scuba cylinder doesn't meet these requirements.

Local law or standards may require that all equipment used with enriched air be cleaned to oxygen service specifications. Local practice may also require that specific equipment meets oxygen service standards. Because the cylinder valve and interior will be in contact with 5.

You should have your regulator serviced at least on enriched you will need a dedicated cylinder scuba There are two reasons: then adding oxygen compatible air. This is called is generally recommended. Like any scuba cylinder, an enriched should have a dated visual inspection dedicated and have the proper markings. It should or tags and color coding generally agreed upon and also accepted by the broad international stating whether These markings dive community.

At one time it was common for a inch green band around the shoulder with yellow single sticker to or white lettering reading "Enriched Air," "Enriched serve as both the Air Nitrox," "Nitrox" visual inspection or a similar sticker and an designation.

The top and bottom of this band should be a yellow, 2. The green portion should have yellow or white lettering reading "Enriched stress, etc. But, visual inspection and oxygen service are really two separate considerations, so the dive community has moved to using Besides a dated visual inspection sticker like you find on a standard scuba cylinder, an enriched air cylinder should also have a decal stating whether it does or does not meet oxygen service standards. An enriched air cylinder should have a contents sticker decal or permanent tag.

The top and bottom should be yellow, with the center green. The green portion should have yellow Or white lettering reading "Enriched Air, " "Enrichrd Air Nitrox, " "Nitrox" or a similar designation. Stickers are replaced and tags rewritten when you have the cylinder refil ed. If a permanent tag is used, In the UK, for example, EANx cylinders are required to have the black find white shoulder pattern shown.

Many UK dive operations use the the cylinder's serial number should be on the tag to prevent it from accidentally getting switched to another cylinder. Your instructor will tell you about any that apply to your local area. Filling Enriched Air Cylinders There are two concerns with filling that you don't have when fil ing enriched air cylinders a normal air cylinder.

Again, both of these concerns arise from the high oxygen content of enriched air. You've already learned that many substances readily burn or explode when in contact with pure oxygen or high proportions found in normal compressed scuba air. Trace lubricants accumulate over time in a standard air cylinder. This if oxygen were put into the cylinder. Therefore, normal compressed air in some areas local laws, regulations and can create a hazard if it comes in contact with high standards set differing or additional requirements.

For example, in Europe, compatible air EANx cylinders have a white shoulder with a black stripe, and generally the entire cylinder is white. Some areas have recommendations or requirements that an enriched air cylinder be used within a given period, such as within 30 days of filling, marked accordingly.

These substances include trace hydrocarbons lubricants creates a hazard immediately 5. Although these are the broadly accepted markings, and the cylinder may be In other areas, the practice is - This is why blenders use oxygen for partial pressure blending. This concern is greatest when partial pressure filling will be used, since the cylinder and system may be exposed to pure oxygen.

Fil ing systems that don't require putting oxygen into the scuba cylinder minimize these risks. These include membrane systems, which do not use GEAR AND STUFF pure oxygen at all, and premixing enriched air in large Because of the potential hazards of partial pressure storage cylinders that the blender can readily protect blending with pure oxygen in the scuba cylinder, from contaminants.

Enriched air should never be put into a cylinder that is not dedicated to EANx. These methods include special membranes that separate oxygen from nitrogen during filling, and constant flow blending that adds a small amount of oxygen before compression.

Other centers purchase premixed enriched air from industrial gas companies, and some partial Always have an enriched air cylinder fil ed only by a pressure blend only in their own bank cylinders. Enriched air blending procedures also assure accurate 2. Percentage of oxygen in the blend. The other blending. The analyzes the enriched air to assure it has the intended After blending, as a double check the blender amount of oxygen in on enriched air blend affects percentage of oxygen, then records the analysis your no stop time and oxygen exposure.

Your computer will cdjust for these changes, but having more oxygen or less oxygen than you asked for may restrict the maximum depth or no stop dive time, respectively, that you planned on having. To manage these concerns, enriched air blenders are trained to follow strict guidelines with procedures and special equipment that aren't needed for air fills.

To begin, enriched air fill stations will only fill a properly designated enriched air cylinder. If the station uses partial pressure blending, the blender checks whether the cylinder is marked as cleaned to oxygen compatible standards. Before diving with an enriched air cylinder, you need to personally reconfirm the blender's analysis.

More about this later. Again, you easily handle enriched air fill concerns by having only reputable, qualified enriched air blenders fill enriched air cylinders for you. Never put pure oxygen in a standard c:ylinder and fill it or have it filled from a conventional scuba air fill station in an attempt to make enriched air.

This practice poses a high risk of fire or explosion. If you ever need to use air in an enriched air cylinder, no problem: Take it to an enriched air fill center. In this case, your regulator requires a compatible fitting. Your instructor will advise you if this applies in the area where you're taking this course.

Some manufacturers have similar recommendations for other equipment specially modified or serviced for use with enriched air. This air should meet local standards for oxygen compatible air. Because of their utility, these blends are by far the most popular with recreational divers. At some enriched air stations you may have to wait for any other blend. The primary concern regarding enriched air and scuba equipment is: o a.

Use of oxygen compatible lubricants is generally recommended. Follow all manufacturer recommendations regarding using their equipment with enriched air 3. Enriched air requires a dedicated cylinder because check all that apply : o a.

These are managed by having your cylinder filled by qualified enriched air blenders, who use proper procedures for filling and gas analysis. Only qualified, reputable enriched air blenders should fil enriched air cylinders because they have the training and equipment to minimize the problems associated with filling enriched air cylinders. The potential hazards that can arise from filling on enriched air cylinder improperly include check all that apply o c.

Fire b. Explosion o Decompression illness Oxygen toxicity 8. If on oxygen service rated enriched air cylinder with standard compressed air, you should: Do.


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