Parapsychology books free download pdf

On this website a huge load of interesting books and journals is available for free download. See: www. The Parapsychological Association is an international professional organization of scientists and scholars engaged in the study of psi or 'psychic' experiences, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic healing, and precognition. First established in , the PA has been an affiliated organization of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since As a non-profit, non-adjudicating organization, the PA endorses no ideologies or beliefs other than the value of rigorous scientific and scholarly inquiry.

There is a level of membership for everyone interested in the scientific and scholarly advancement of parapsychology. Join or donate today. Sign up and create a profile or Log in. The Parapsychological Association. Download The Handbook Of Parapsychology books , A basic handbook of parapsychology, ESP, and the world of psychic phenomena by the world-renowned authority on this intriguing subject.

What is parapsychology? What are the explanations for extrasensory perception? Hans Holzer has compiled this definitive survey of parapsychology for the layman based on lectures he delivered at the New York Institute of Technology. Professor Holzer traces the history and development of parapsychology from the Stone Age to the present and explains the terminology, various forms and basic techniques of ESP.

He reveals how the layman can develop his own extrasensory perception in a comparatively short time and learn to obtain significant information through various techniques involving psychometry touch-identification of objects, trances, etc.

The unique methods described here were developed by Professor Holzer. Download The Signet Handbook Of Parapsychology books , Thirty-four experts in various aspects of parapsychology present the history and results of research within individual fields such as mental telepathy, out-of-the-body experiences and precognition.

Download The Parapsychology Revolution books , Grounded in both scientific acumen and constructive inquiry, this anthology shines a rare, clarifying light on the controversial realms of psychical and paranormal research, surveying reports, essays, and arguments from more than a century of investigation into matters such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and past-life regression.

In the past one hundred and twenty-five years-despite a relative paucity of funding and the troubling persistence of fraud-serious inquiry into the paranormal, particularly as it relates to clairvoyance and psychical perception, has successfully entered the scientific age.

Studies in the modern laboratory, employing rigorous methodology and peer-reviewed oversight, have conclusively detected statistical anomalies that suggest the presence of some not yet understood faculty of the human mind.

Schoch, Ph. The book's extensive introduction and the editors' commentary on individual essays and sections highlight milestones, feuds, and key players that mark the nascent history of this fascinating and important field of research. Finally, The Parapsychology Revolution addresses and clarifies the all-important question: Is there legitimate evidence for a world beyond the ordinary? Download Spiritual Cleansing books , This bestselling Weiser classic is a spiritual first aid manual filled with hundreds of recipes, rituals, and practical ways to rid your home, office, and self of negative energy.

Spiritual Cleansing, now in a new paperback edition, featuring a new foreword by Judika Illes, author of The Encyclopedia of 5, Spells, is a guide for anyone who wants to keep their lives and their environment spiritually clean and protected. Download The Outline Of Parapsychology books , This work of 'systematic parapsychology' aims to construct a framework and system of parapsychology, taking a comprehensive approach to the field.

The book states that parapsychology has a different philosophical background from the existing science and religions, and posits that pantheism could be the theoretical basis of parapsychology.

Download The Psychology Of Paranormal Belief books , With a thorough and systematic review of investigations into the bases of belief in paranormal phenomena, this discussion explores the four main theoretical approaches relating to the nature of such beliefs. Objective and well-researched, this account addresses different points of view on the topic--while some commentators depict paranormal believers as foolish, others propose that paranormal beliefs must be understood as necessities that serve certain psychodynamic needs.

The foundations and shortcomings of each approach are also documented, and a new comprehensive theory attempts to explain the development of scientifically unsubstantiated beliefs. Whether believers or sceptics, the book provides readers with the opportunity to further their understanding of the paranormal, bridging the gap between traditional psychology and its so-called fringe areas.

Featuring updates to many of the original chapters, this book brings readers up to date with the wealth of radical research in the field. This edition also includes several new chapters, covering subjects as diverse as possession and exorcism, conspiracy theories, reincarnation, and religious belief, many of which are extremely relevant in the world today.


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