Puff microwave software free download

These were supplied by Ted! What would a microwave web site be without some handy Smith chart downloads? Here are some great Smith charts that are low in megabytes but high in resolution, perfect for documents! Here's a black and white Smith Chart in Adobe Acrobat pdf. Here's a color Smith Chart. Need the Acrobat reader? Click here!

Here's a Microsoft Word document that contains schematic symbols such as resistors, capacitors, circulators, attenuators and switches, power dividers, bias tees, DC blocks and assorted other microwave components. In the latest edition July , we've fixed the Doherty amplifier block diagram. You can use this file to create your own schematics for documents and presentations.

Please send your feedback on this work-in-progress to techwriter microwaves Check out Varian's "History of Radar" ads , those cats were real gone! Here's a poster for your lab in PDF format. Print it and post it and help us Fite Microwave Stupidity! Are you sick and tired of picking up a connector out in your lab and finding that some one else wrecked it?

The Unknown Editor has a solution for you. Post this handy guide to Connector Care in your lab! It's updated for , thanks to Vinny who caught a mistake on the torque spec inch ounces should have read inch pounds!

Here is a poster on the topic of Women in Microwaves, that was prepared by Dr. Raghavan and Prof. At Microwaves we pride ourselves on building microwave information into our encyclopedia, so it is indexed, cross-linked, and totally convenient.

Not like some crummy pdf data sheets and app notes that suppliers put up for you to go crazy waiting two minutes to download so you can spend ten minutes looking for and probably not finding the info you need. We also make it a point not to steal stuff from other web sites and offer it as our own. But in some cases, we realize there are documents out in the public domain that we can collect and offer in one convenient place.

Here are two examples:. Thanks to Rob, we now offer Microwaves Hall-of-Famers Matthaei, Young and Jones "Microwave Filters, Impedance Matching Networks and Coupling Structures" which dates back to but is still the most complete book on microwave filters ever written, at 1, pages. This material was developed under government contract and hence is approved for public release by DTIC which is where we found it.

Here is a list of microwave laminates, prepared by SPC. You'll find it invaluable. Thanks to Alicia! By the way, if you ask SPC nicely, they might even send you a laminated 11 x 17 inch poster free of charge. Look on their web site for details. Download the Microwave Laminates chart! Here's a booklet titled "How to Treat Women in the Workplace". It was written for Hughes Aircraft employees in the s, and it would not represent an acceptable company policy today.

If you want to be horrified at "the way we were", check this out! Thanks to Chris, we now offer a copy of an NRL report dating from , on the design and calibration of horn antennas. Slayton, gives dimensions for construction of a series of microwave horns of known gain, and may be used as a calibration reference.

The horns are designed to match up well to standard waveguide sizes. Virtually all standard gain horns on the market follow the dimensions called out in this report. We found the document at the Defense Technical Information Center , specifically here. So we'll assume it is public domain, and offer it through the link below. We have much more on material on William Slayton thanks to his daughter Charlotte!

Here is a much better copy of the NRL report. Finally, here is a speech he gave in about his experience at NRL, three years after his retirement. Download Slayton's speech. The Quadrennial Defense Review report is put together every four years by the Department of Defense, the latest was issued February This report defines where we are on the war on terror, as well as the to-be state. If you want to win a government defense contract you should read this and reference it in your proposal.

DARPA has a strategic plan, you should read it! The Navy's Office of Naval Research has a plan for science and technology, some of which is gonna involve some very high power microwaves The Navy released some great tutorial documents in , including an entire series on electronics.

It's 23 MB so it might take a while Toggle navigation Menu. Download Area. Our download area is divided into five categories: Electronic design analysis EDA projects Spreadsheet and text downloads Graphics downloads Cool Microwaves poster downloads!

Download the Microwave Office combiner loss project We offer a Microwave Office MWO file on symmetric three-section coupler designs, which was used to generate the content on this page.

Spreadsheet and text downloads Here's a contribution from Dr. Download a group delay spreadsheet And the paper that describes the derivation of the group velocity, group delay, and parabolic phase shift formulas in the group delay spreadsheet Download a spreadsheet of thermal resistance calculations And the paper that describes the derivation of the thermal resistance formulas Download a spreadsheet for theoretical attenuation calculations Here is a skin-depth spreadsheet, contributed by Chris thanks!!

Download Chris' skin-depth spreadsheet Here are three waveguide-related spreadsheets from XXX The spreadsheets below supplement our calculator page , and in general offer data-crunching that is too complicated to put onto an HTML page for you. July This calculator comes from Ticer - thanks, guys! Download the S-parameter mixer spreadsheet H-tree feed network spreadsheet Download the H-tree feed network spreadsheet Charge storage capacitor dissipation is described on this page.

And here is the accompanying spreadsheet: Download the capacitor dissipation spreadsheet Here's the TRL calculator we promised you over on our TRL calibration page. Download the Antenna range calculator spreadsheet Here is an Excel file that analyzes transient flow in one dimension. Download microstrip patch antenna calculator We have information from Andy on additional degrees of freedom with Adams' resistive splitters. Here are two spreadsheets on extra degrees of freedom for Adams' resistive splitter Download Andy's analyses on the Adams' resistive splitter A lot of people ask us "why do you create spreadsheets for calculating stuff like group delay, when all these calculations and more are built into Keysight's ADS or AWR's Microwave Office software?

Download the capacitance calculator Chris provided the calculator for converting magnitude and phase to impedances, which is a fundamental problem that belongs on any final exam in a microwave class tell your boos that and ask him to derive it some time for fun.

Download the impedance calculator in a Zip file Here's a spreadsheet that extract Dk and Df from transmission line measurements. Download the Dk and Df extraction spreadsheet The Professor has donated his image rejection spreadsheet. Download the Professor's image rejection spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet that calculates characteristic impedance of a transmission line based on measure reflection coefficient.

Download the impedance calculator spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet that performs via-hole inductance for microstrip circuits. Download the via-hole inductance spreadsheet In the spreadsheet below, Chris answers an important attenuator question. Download Chris' standard value attenuator spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet for looking at mixer spurs, contributed by Gerald.

Download the mixer spur spreadsheet Here's a simple spur table calculator from Larry. Download Larry's spur table calculator If you keep reading down this page, we have at least one one other spur table download. Download the link budget calculator Here's a freespace path loss calculator contributed by Robert! Download Robert's Freespace Path Loss calculator Here a spreadsheet for analyzing even and odd mode impedances of coupled-line couplers.

Download the Wilkinson power divider spreadsheet Here's a "reverse microstrip calculator" a spreadsheet that lets you specify impedance and solves for line width. Download the reverse microstrip calculator Here's a simple spreadsheet that will help you understand the concept of frequency translators Download the frequency translator spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet from Nick, which we'll let him describe Download the Klopfenstein taper spreadsheet Thanks to David, the spreadsheet below now has a correction to the math which was published by Kajfez and Prewitt in Contributed by Tim!

Download Tim's microwave path calculator We've finally got around to dressing up our VSWR spreadsheet into something we're proud of! Download the latest standing wave spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet that shows you how to do linear interpolation in Excel, a valuable skill in any engineering field.

Download the linear interpolation spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet contributed by Harald that shows you how to access the polynomial curve fitting capabilities of Excel! Here's Harald's description of its capabilities: Everybody knows that you can produce a graph and add a polyline to it. The Excel Version I have is Excel , the conditional sum wizard needs to be installed.

Download the polynomial curve fit spreadsheet Here's an RF unit converter from Frank. Below is a screen capture that illustrates the capabilities: Download the RF unit converter We have a new page that offers some free downloads courtesy of the U. Download Kire's level diagram spreadsheet Phil sent us a microstrip miter spreadsheet, thank you sir!

In his own words Download Phil's miter calculator Here's a spreadsheet that analyzes coupled-line couplers. Download the coupler spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet that will help you floorplan a power amplifier! Download the power amp designer spreadsheet Here's a spreadsheet that calculates resistor values for minimum loss L-pads which are described here : Download the L-pad calculator Here's the start of a spreadsheet that looks at the array factor for phased array antenna calculations.

Download the phased array calculator Here's two contributions from Spinner GmbH, on waveguide cross sections including ordinary, reduced height, circular and double-ridged and waveguide flange dimensions, both in pdf documents. Download the waveguide loss spreadsheet Here's a table that is more complete than the other one we had on our waveguide dimensions page.

Download Alan's waveguide table Here's the start of an optimum miter calculator Download the optimum miter calculator Major update June we went through the coax spreadsheet with a fine-toothed comb and found a number of problems, especially with the surface roughness effect on loss.

It provides a modern, object-oriented library for network analysis and calibration which is both flexible and scalable. When baby-boomer microwave engineers retire we can rest easy knowing that smart, motivated, stick-shift-driving engineers like Alex will take up the slack. This input came from Jeff in June We are a group of emag enthusiasts that have spent the last bit 1. I am now happy to say that this is free for download for 7 in.

The app was based on the old 'Puff' app that many of us used back in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately, Puff wasn't maintained that well but can still be compiled on some Linux machines. Thus, we built Z0lver to add on to the features of Puff, while leveraging the benefits of new mobile technology.

We have tested many of the designs from Microwaves in Z0lver and heavily used Microwaves over the years. We are eager to give back to the community and are therefore hoping that you find the app interesting and worthy of the site. If so, feel free to help point users towards using the app and providing feedback.

We hope to release a version for phones soon and the open source files will be made available at the end of this summer for people to contribute to. Here's two snapshots of a free shirt that Z0lver provided to Microwaves Thanks, guys! I've tried it and it appears to work for linear, transient, harmonic balance, and also supports Verilog device modelling. QucsStudio is not Qucs. While the two share some developers and they are very similar user interfaces - similar to Agilent ADS, QucsStudio has harmonic balance whereas Qucs does not and QucsStudio has a greater integration with Verilog compilation and support than Qucs.

Moreover, QucsStudio appears to be upgraded at more regular intervals than Qucs. Microwave Office circuit design software is used by leading manufacturers to accelerate product development of high-frequency bltadwin. Down East Microwave - Supplier of microwave hardware for experimenters. PUFF is the name of a computer aided design program for microwave circuits, developed at the California Institute of Technology.

The platform delivers a complete, integrated workflow. Unlike other PCB solutions, OrCAD has the ability to grow with evolving design challenges providing the security of scalability for future challenges. HSPICE is the industry's "gold standard" for accurate circuit simulation and offers foundry-certified MOS device models with state-of-the-art simulation and analysis algorithms.

With its integrated fast 3D field solver and highly parallel architecture, Calibre xACT provides attofarad accuracy with the performance needed for multi-million instance designs. The multi-page hierarchical schematic editor makes it easy to sketch a circuit.

Once a circuit is created, you can do a transient, AC, DC, transfer function, sensitivity, or distortion with a simple command. The editor features stepping, scaling, panning, multiple-object selection, rotation about three axes, mirroring, clipboard functions, and multistage undo and redo.

It is used for machine learning, signal processing, image processing, computer vision, communications, computational finance, control design, robotics, and much more. Read more about it HERE. Now that you've got the CAD tools, consider learning these 5 simple steps to insanely effective design reviews to significantly reduce errors in your designs. Interested in searching for more electronic parts?

Check out our friends over at Big Zeta Search. They provide a simple tool for B2B electronic part search, parametric search, and keyword search. Topics: engineering , General Topics , general. Inside Frequency Control.


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