Strategic management torrent 9th edition download

The theory, concepts, and examples presented in the 10th edition, while updated and enriched, are consistent with those in the previous editions. This constency facilitates the transition from the 8th and the 9th editions to the new edition. It aims to familiarize readers with the core marketing frameworks, principles, and concepts without going into too much detail on the some of the more specific aspects of marketing management.

Consequently, it has fewer chapters 16 vs. Author: unknown Other. Have not added any book description! Create a book, then download a PDF version in minutes, or receive a free review copy in just a few days!

Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Strategic Management Item Preview. EMBED for wordpress.

Clarity rating: 5 This text is written at a basic level easily accessible to the common reader and especially suited to today's college senior. Consistency rating: 5 The text uses the A-F-I framework consistently throughout. Modularity rating: 5 The chapter topics are organized following the traditional analysis-formulation-implementation A-F-I framework allowing the course to be easily divided into modules. Interface rating: 5 The layout and flow of the text are satisfactory.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5 The writing demonstrates no systematic grammatical difficulties. Cultural Relevance rating: 5 The authors recognize changing sociocultural values and demonstrate sensitivity of the theory and practice of strategic management to such changes. Comments I found the text to be quite readable. Content Accuracy rating: 5 The content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. Clarity rating: 5 One of my favorite things about this text is its clarity.

Consistency rating: 5 The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. Modularity rating: 5 The chapters of the text are self-contained and can be individually assigned to students or used as additional readings to supplement a different text. Interface rating: 5 There are no significant interface issues in the text.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5 The text contains no grammatical errors. Cultural Relevance rating: 5 The text is not culturally offensive in any way. Comments This is a great book for an introductory level strategic management class. Content Accuracy rating: 5 First rate book. Easy to read with no errors conceptually or grammatically. Clarity rating: 5 Students comment that it is straight forward and easy to read. Key concepts are defined. Consistency rating: 5 The text flows well from start to finish.

Modularity rating: 5 The chapters break up the material well as do sections within chapters. Can't find more credible sources. Content Accuracy rating: 5 Across a number of topics, the exposition that fit my expectations about the material covered, explanations of the material, and examples that fit the material. Clarity rating: 5 The book is written directly and clearly. Consistency rating: 5 Terminology and approach are generally consistent. Modularity rating: 5 For the most part, this book would be easy to use out of order or as selections.

Interface rating: 5 I used the epub 3 version of the book. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 The writing is clear, error-free, and straightforward, including the consistent use of active voice. Cultural Relevance rating: 5 Though the book like many strategy and business textbooks has a somewhat US-centric presentation, there are plenty of examples that include diversity along a number of dimensions where that kind of diversity is not the topic of the example.

Comments Overall, I found the book to be consistently high in quality, coverage, and consistency with other books in this area. Content Accuracy rating: 5 The content is accurate, though there are a few typos. Clarity rating: 5 The book is very lucidly written. I think it is one of the best written textbooks. Consistency rating: 5 The book is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. Modularity rating: 5 The text is easy to follow. Interface rating: 5 I didn't encounter any problem with navigation.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5 I did not detect any grammar errors, although I did find a few typos. Cultural Relevance rating: 4 The book is culturally relevant.

Comments Please update the examples and correct the few typos in the text. Content Accuracy rating: 5 This book is accurate as evidenced by the frequent references from both research journals and practitioners' publications. Clarity rating: 5 This is the paramount strength of the book. Consistency rating: 5 What is admirable as to the book's consistency is it's sequence of chapters, such as starting with "Mastering Strategy" as chapter one, through "Selecting Business Level Strategies" in the middle of the text, and concluding with corporate governance and ethics.

Modularity rating: 5 This is another strength of the book. Interface rating: 5 I don't think there are any such problems. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 There are not any grammatical errors. Cultural Relevance rating: 5 The photographs and examples are varied in terms of surface characteristics. Comments It is superior to my present textbook in terms of being written in a conversational style, which is complemented by useful tables such as 8.

Content Accuracy rating: 5 I didn't find any inaccuracies or biases in the text although I ran into a few minor typos. Clarity rating: 4 The book is clearly written and enjoyable. Consistency rating: 5 The narrative is consistent throughout both in depth and style. Modularity rating: 5 While the content follows a logical path, chapters are concise and mostly stand-alone, making it easy to use individual chapters or to tailor content for a class.

Interface rating: 4 The interactive PDF version is clean and easy to use. Grammatical Errors rating: 4 Other than a few minor spelling typos. I found no errors. Cultural Relevance rating: 4 The nature of the book is mostly transparent to cultural issues.

Comments It is a great introductory text to Strategic Management. Content Accuracy rating: 5 The material covered in the textbook is accurate and error-free. Clarity rating: 5 The book is clearly written without unnecessary jargon. Consistency rating: 5 The book is consistent with other texts on the topic of strategic management. Modularity rating: 5 The book is modular and chapters could be reorganized without issue. Interface rating: 5 I did not encounter any issues with the interface of the textbook.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5 The book was free of grammatical errors. Cultural Relevance rating: 5 The text was not insensitive or offensive. Comments Supporting material such as glossary, online assignments or self check exercises could be included. Content Accuracy rating: 5 I found the book to be accurate and well referenced. Clarity rating: 5 The book is written without unnecessary jargon. Consistency rating: 5 The framework of the book allows for easy transitions from one topic to another.

Modularity rating: 4 The text is well divided into a logical sequence of intuitively developed reading sections. Interface rating: 5 I had no issues with the interface of the textbook. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 I found no grammatical errors i the text. Relevant courses.

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