Test file before downloading

The code which is used is. Is there a problem in my path? I detected some strange behavior with exists time ago and changed it to isFile :. I think the mobile, somehow, created a directory every time new File was executed.

Check this. Because getExternalFilesDir Environment. It's not the folder where DownloadManager downloads files when we set Environment. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Verify that the file should be accessible or not while downloading from the storage location.

Verify that the file should remain or not if downloading Pause. Verify that the file should remain or not if downloading Cancel. Verify that if any specific requirement needed to download then it should be displayed before downloading start or with the downloadable link or button. Verify that download still continue if the internet speed is very slow. Verify that downloading should be Stop if internet connection lost. Verify that downloading should be resumed automatically if internet connection lost then again found the internet connection.

Verify that File download display Downloading failed if Internet connection lost for more time like 4 minutes to 5 minutes. Reply to topic Log in. Author Message Posted. Is there a way to check if a file exists on a remote machine before downloading it using winscp.

I have automated my downloads and if the file does not exist, my process "hangs. If the file exists, the script would continue, otherwise it would exit. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Looks like you are curing consequence instead of cause.

So, why does not your script hang? Haven't you omitted the "option batch on" command? Please read FAQ. Hi, I am using below script to get the file from the ftp location, I am using winscp in my execute process task of SSIS. So for this what are the changes I have to do in my current script.

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