Tibetan buddhist chants mp3 free download

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This is what I was searching for. The voices are really deep and they drone and chant. Track 16 has 29 mins of the throat singing deep voice. Easy to download just the tracks that you want. Recollection of the Sangha. The Three Refuges. The Three Jewels. Revering the Buddha. Revering the Triple Gem.

Spreading Loving-Kindness. Verses of Protection. The Five Recollections. The Ten Perfections. Good Wishes. Dedication of Merit. Namo Amitabha. Lotus Sutra. Compiled and recited by Venerable Indaratana Maha Thera. Buddha Vandana - Homage to the Buddha. Dhamma Vandana - Homage to the Doctrine. Sangha Vandana - Homage to the Disciples of the Buddha. Cetiya Vandana - Salutation to the Pagodas.

Bodhi Vandana - Salutation to the Bodhi Tree. Sugandha Puja - Offering of Incense. Anumodana - Transference of Merits to all Celestial Beings. Mangala Sutta - The Discourse on Blessings. Ratana Sutta - The Discourse on Jewels. Metta Sutta - The Discourse on Loving-kindness. Narasiha Gatha - Stanzas of the Lion of Men.


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