Why are my downloads donloading htm files

Poor signal strength will prevent your computer from connecting to the company network. If you connect to the Web through a proxy server, the proxy server itself may be down and preventing the download.

Try connecting to the Web with the proxy server disabled if possible. Incorrectly set up firewalls can also cause issues. In your firewall software, make sure no settings are active that might block downloads.

Temporarily disabling the firewall will allow you to diagnose whether or not this is the source of your connection woes. Incorrect Internet settings within Windows also cause problems. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast An oral history of Stack Overflow — told by its founding team. Millinery on the Stack: Join us for Winter Summer?

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It started to happen to me as well, tried clearing my browser history. Still no luck, can someone help me understand why?

I need to my site to work. Even i have the same problem, In my case http requests are giving problem and https no issues , I using nginx reverse proxy.. If someone can help here Thanks. Your email address will never be published. Subscribe to this comment feed via RSS. This is an incoherent and mostly uninteresting collection of posts on a variety of topics. Generally these are small guides aimed at helping others save some time, and making sure I'm not forgetting how I fixed something.

I'm a software developer and manager in the daytime and tinkerer in the evenings. I love technology and making stuff. Titan Theme by The Theme Foundry. Thanks for your feedback. Thank you DaveM for your quick response. I have discovered that not only did thy break my file associations they changed them to. If anything, they would be a Photoshop file, or an Illustrator file. This is just unacceptable that this happened. Once I fix this mess can I disable Edge?

Can I ask one more question? I used to be able to have the Windows Update notify me and then I had the choice if I wanted to update, or put it off. I can't find that setting any more. Did they take that away as well? Well, the sneaky little devils say I can "Pause" it for 35 days, then at that point I will have to update before I can pause for another 35 days I have Windows 10 Version


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