Download best minecraft maps
Holy Minecraft, Batman! One Planet Minecraft user has managed to construct a highly detailed representation of the Dark Knight's stomping ground of Gotham City.
Reviving an abandoned project from another user, ilRaptorli is in the process of crafting a true metropolitan marvel, complete with the Wayne Manor, clocktower, and the GCPD building. This is all dressed with an ominous dark hue, glowing lights, and rainy skies to further add to the atmosphere.
More information and visuals of the lush Bat-city can be found on the site. Someone dared to recreate the famous Starkiller Base in Minecraft. Right down to the characters walking around, there is a high degree of similarity between the movie and this Minecraft world. Although, the world doesn't likely have Kylo Ren or other Force Awakens characters. Stormtroopers and random admirals, however, were present when someone snapped a screenshot of this brilliant Starkiller Base.
Can we pilot one of those Tie-Fighters? Possibly the world's most impressive features are the Tie-Fighters and the First Order emblem on the wall behind the stage. Star Wars fans will want to explore the Starkiller Base map themselves. You may have heard that Assassin's Creed Unity contains the most detailed computer design of the Notre-Dame Cathedral. The fire of Notre Dame was a tragic event which many are still recovering from, and Ubisoft even gave away Unity for free so people could explore it digitally in the aftermath of the disaster.
While it is widely known that Assassin's Creed Unity has a detailed Notre-Dame cathedral design, did anyone consider Minecraft's? Various Minecraft designs can be downloaded for you to further explore Notre-Dame Cathedral. This grand structure can be viewed in greater detail by visiting the artist's Pinterest page. Using Minecraft world generators, you don't have to build anything to make an incredible world.
Playing with Minecraft generator settings can produce vast chasms, like the one in the above photo, and it can also inspire new creations—some of which are quite abstract. Minecraft worlds have many customization options if you are playing on a console or PC. If you can imagine it, it can be built in the game of Minecraft. Download Here. Those of you who love Norse mythology may find some interest in this adventure map.
There is a special texture pack you will need to download before you can start enjoying this map. In this game, players are dropped into a world with no memories of the past. Everyone knows about the urban legend of Herobrine in the Minecraft franchise. While not being an official character, this haunting person continues to get brought up online.
Few stand out but The Mystery of Herobrine has captivated quite a bit of attention. This storyline will give players a bit of insight behind this mysterious hostile enemy and there are multiple parts so if you finished this chapter you can move on to the next section. With that said, if you enjoy horror maps on Minecraft then this is one not to miss out on.
The Floo Network has been working on a rather massive project which would give Harry Potter fans. This is a mod that not only brings in memorable locations from the film franchise, but a storyline as well. While we are waiting for a true RPG title based on Harry Potter, this is the currently the best thing to a standalone Harry Potter adventure.
With that said, if you want something a bit long and challenging then this map may come to an end a bit too quick. However, on the other side of that statement, those who just need a quick map to enjoy to break things up between gaming sessions or your daily routines, this is definitely a worthy map download. As you can probably guess from the name, Parkour School is a parkour-based map.
Created by Gravityman, the map proves to be not only popular with over , downloads since its creation but also gives players a real challenge. However, unlike some of the other big parkour challenge maps, this creation is centered around teaching players how to parkour.
This map is essentially an absolute transformation for Minecraft, so guarantee you back up your unique duplicate before adhering to the installation guidelines.
Another work from the fantastic Hypixel, this hack-and-cut experience map is brimming with wonderful structures, custom weapons, mixtures, things, manager battles, challenges, mystery segments, and easter eggs. Phew, that is a great deal. It is suggested for two players, yet you ought to have the option to solo your way through on the off chance that you coarseness your teeth.
Taking motivation from extraordinary compared to other jail reenactment games if that is even a type around, this map highlights eight monstrous cells, occupations, and a cash framework. Your point is to bring forth a definitive break plan, utilizing any assets you can discover, and picking up reputation among your individual cellmates to gain their help.
As Minecraft maps go, The Escapists 2 is a work of art. Try not to worry about setting, strong visual plan, or ongoing interaction variety when stacking up Last Jump Hero. This parkour Minecraft map solicits just a couple of things of forthcoming Minecrafters: an eagerness to hop and a pre-acknowledgment of disappointment.
Do you need a precious stone lightsaber? Obviously, you do. Additionally by Hypixel, and for use with the Mine Wars surface pack, this epic experience of stormtroopers and Star Destroyers makes them battle your way through frigid badlands and profound space. Magnificent walkers look truly damn great in Minecraft. The firecrackers that spill out of each shoot make for a slick visual touch. Those Minecraft blocky visuals that cause it to feel like a GameBoy game, as well.
Fairly obligated to Left 4 Dead, when this Minecraft map lays on the undead, it lays them on thick and quick. Ambushes cause frenzy, and frenzy implies awful things. Carry a companion to thin the crowd faster and unravel its community puzzles. The RPG sayings are helped through with a pleasant choice of side-missions, and there are extraordinary scripted minutes that include an invite level of true to life shimmer.
Without an engaged center journey, Teramia leaves you allowed to meander, investigate its different regions, and help the NPCs you experience en route. Split into four districts and populated by a huge assortment of hordes and inviting locals, the territories are home to nine prisons and a progression of fortifications to guarantee as your own.
In World in a Jar you should get by on a progression of little universes encased in containers. Your XP: 0. Updated: 19 Aug pm. BY: Shelby Grimes. OP loot removed, as well as bug fixes. Has a rather quick playthrough time. A rather quick completion time of approximately an hour and 30 minutes to two hours.
Battling multiple enemies, custom chests, and metal crates that contain special items. Soul Bound Soul Bound is a 12 level episode-based adventure map with a puzzle-based and dialogue-driven story. Features two resource packs, a custom soundtrack, and an interactive storyline. Approximately hours of gameplay. Wild West Put on your cowboy boots and mosey into the wild west!
Custom villagers with custom trades. Planet Impossible Have you ever wondered what it would be like to land on an unknown planet? Custom survivors, aliens, and dinosaurs. Can be played for Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Project Zelda Come one come all Zelda fans!
Multiple episodes. Custom mobs, NPCs, dungeons, etc. Includes 30, command blocks. Wrath of the Fallen Known for its beautiful builds and home on one of the largest Minecraft servers in history Hypixel , Wrath of the Fallen is just one of several maps backed by Hypixel on my list.
What Makes Wrath of the Fallen Awesome: 6 unique boss fights, custom monsters, custom events, easter eggs, etc. Approximately 2 hours of gameplay. Recording your experience on this map is encouraged! Impressive builds.
Community fun! Terra Restore 2 Introduced in , Terra Restore 2 is a 1. Singleplayer and multiplayer up to 4 players. What Makes The Asylum Awesome: Although it is single-player only, that's necessary and makes it even more difficult. Lots and lots of jumpscares. Not so focused on battle and more focused on the adventure. Custom monsters, special shops, unique items, side quests, etc. Singleplayer and multiplayer compatible.
The Tourist Set in Paris, this adventure map was introduced back in and currently has over , downloads. What Makes The Tourist Awesome: hours of gameplay. Texture pack included. Beautiful builds, five exclusive redstone mini-games, and of course an awesome main story. Payday 2 Endgame Added in , PayDay 2 Endgame has over , downloads and loads of community support. Custom sounds, custom resource pack, and custom mobs. Over 20 achievements and 7 playable heists.
More on this topic: minecraft. When I'm not at my computer working, I'm still at my computer Gamer Since: Currently, there are 18 results released and the latest one is updated on 14 Dec The above search results can partly answer users' queries, however, there will be many other problems that users are interested in.
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We highly appreciate your initiative. Underground Structure Map. Ultimate Survival Base 1. The elytra tower is just up the astec temple.
Watch the youtube world tour at to see the elytra tower with the landing pad! Search Planet Minecraft. Apollo Level Master Architect.
Subscribe This Base contains various kinds of farms, an Ultimate Survival Starter 4 Map 1. Drag extracted map folder which you have done in step 2 into saves folder. Start Minecraft, the map is in Singleplay mode.
Enjoy and play! Download from Server 1 - Download from Server 2. SkyBlock Ultimate!