Download holy blood holy grail audiobook torrent
User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. There are a lot of real facts and history in this book, but it ends up incredibly mixed with personal opinion and flawed leaps of logic.
Even with all of that in mind, I still can't bring myself to call this book "fiction", I believe the authors wrote in sincerely and at the time of writing believed what they wrote.
I think the best way to deal with this book is read it, enjoy it, and take the points that interest you and read other books about the subjects, perhaps ones that are more historically accurate. I THINK the hardcover adds a lot of information, because there is no doubt there is a LOT missing from this audiobook that is found in that version.
I don't know if it was a deliberate omission or an oversight, but considering the audiobook came out later, it should have included everything from the hardcover book in my opinion minus the pictures, anyway. I am very disappointed. Authors makes enormous leaps in his assumptions with little or no evidence to back it up. I approached this book with an open mind as the writers did with their investigation into the book's material.
I caught a documentary on Amazon about Leonardo Di Vinci and the authors of this book were in it. It peaked an interest in me I didn't know I had so I purchased the book both on Audible and a hard cover copy. I have been raised a Christian my entire life. This book does raise some serious questions into the historical belief system we as a society have come to live in. Call it a heretical unorthodox point of view, I don't really care, but regardless of what you believe, I still believe this book doesn't diminish any of the divinity in Jesus.
So what if it humanizes him. Historically, we know he was indeed a person that walked this earth. We know through historical documents and scientific research that he was indeed crucified and died. So with keeping an open mind and a scientific approach it is safe to say in my opinion, he still lived in the traditions of being a man in the time he did walk this earth. Traditions of life, love, family, marriage, and procreation. Who are we to say otherwise when no one alive today obviously wasn't alive then.
The gospels are of small piece of how Jesus lived his life and are indeed a magnificent and beautiful way to live one's life yet there is still so much we don't know of him. It is true that there are known contradictions within the scriptures and gospels we hold to be true. Yet we still follow them as to be self evident. Let's not also forget the gospels we have grown to love, read, quote, and follow were debated and fought over by a group of Bishops centuries after the period Jesus was even alive.
Men with their own agendas who decided and on their own accord defined the divinity of the Messiah. Men that are just as corruptable as the next. Anything "they" believed contradicted their beliefs or took away from their view of what it means to believe in the Messiah, or even who he was as a man or god, was disregarded and destroyed.
That is just my opinion as misguided as most if not all devout Christians would think. That is also just one part of a long a line of questions this book raises for me. I still believe in God. I still believe in Jesus Christ. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest.
Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. It involves nothing less than Based on decades of research, filled with eye-opening new evidence and stunning scholarship, this authoritative work uncovers an alternate history as shocking as it is believable—as it dares to ask: Is the traditional, accepted view of the life of Christ in some way incomplete?
According to the authors of this extraordinarily provocative, meticulously researched book, not only are these things possible—they are probably true. So revolutionary, so original, so convincing, the most faithful Christians will be moved; here is the book that has sparked worldwide controversy, now newly updated and beautifully illustrated. The startling, frighteningly convincing sequel to The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail that reveals the very nature of the Messianic Legacy.
The Messianic Legacy offers enthralling new investigations into the shadowy society of the 'Prieure de Sion' - 'The Guardians of the Holy Grail' - as the authors discover the murky world of politics, finance, freemasonry, and religion that exists beneath the most solid and conservative seeming of European institutions: the Church.
The ominous global conspiracy of disinformations they uncovered ensures that The Messianic Legacy us an up-to-the-minute thriller and a work of biblical detection that is even more significant than The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. At the centre of this myth is the story of the chalice containing the Holy Blood of Christ, shed when Longinus pierced his side at the crucifixion. The search for the Grail has inspired artists and mystics for hundreds of years.
Many churches and cathedrals were built on sites that claimed their part in this sacred mystery. This book is an illustrated account of their search and a practical, informative guidebook for travellers and seekers. It is full of fascinating information, such as the name of the Spanish cathedral that holds the cup of the Last Supper, the story of how a fig tree carried the Precious Blood to France and the secrets of the Grail castles of Germany.