Average size of a software project file download
Hardware like that is pretty common this days. I have worked on ultra high rise towers in Revit and havehad no problem. One more thing: don't over-model. Releases from the last four months are listed. Note If you need help with an issue with using Office, we recommend that you post your question on Microsoft's Answers forum or Tech Community , or you can contact support.
Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. The relationship between cost and schedule is non-linear. Simply stated, one unit of schedule reduction is purchased at a cost of many units of effort. Consequently, when estimating it is important to explore the impact of various schedules since they will affect the cost. My own experience as a software estimator serves only to confirm this. While I am a supporter and practitioner or functional sizing, what matters when estimating a software project is how long it will take to deliver, how much it will cost, what is the best staffing profile, and how reliable will the end product be.
Non-functional requirements have a role in determining these and they are not all fixed costs that can be added on to a model based on functional requirements. For example, in an ERP implementation a significant portion of the work will be in configuring the product.
There is nothing functional about configuration, but any estimation model that ignores it will produce inaccurate results. When estimating we want to take into account all of the size factors that will impact the cost and schedule.
Some of these are functional size, others are not. My file of about tasks has bloated to almost 40mb no graphics incorporated. What is happening here. Is this basically how it has to be? Why no fix for this? Ideas appreciated. Maybe there have been some new developments, but my sifting through the various websites on the net indicate this is a persistent issue. Apologies for the piggy back Same issue, file grew to 96MB after I've included some http links in some tasks comments.
Saving to XML and back to MPP solved the size issue but also I've lost some important formating data like all gant font formating and also timeline configuration that took me a while to set back..
In order to clear out file bloat you will most likely have to use some intermediate process which will invariably lose your custom formatting. If that doesn't work I'd start looking at other potential causes outside of Project. For example, when is the last time you ran the de-fragmentation utility?
DCG shares the average size of its clients' projects. Download Article: The average size of a bltadwin. A project size of KLOC is to be developed. Software development team has average experience on similar type of projects.